Product Hunt LIVE is an AMA for the entrepreneur community - Launch Diagnostics

Product Hunt LIVE is an AMA for the entrepreneur community

Product Hunt LIVE is an AMA for the entrepreneur community -

When a product or service gets featured on Product Hunt, founders typically show up to the page to answer questions from community members.

Today, Product Hunt is making the process a bit more formal with the launch of Live, a Q&A chat session where founders are scheduled to come and answer burning questions from the Web.

New York, meet the world’s tech scene

5,000 Tech leaders are coming to NYC this November to learn and do business. This is your chance to join them.

The service is much like Reddit’s AMA, except most of the guests are part of the maker/tech community. Founders can’t just start their own chat session – they have to work with the Product Hunt team to get on the schedule.

Product Hunt founder Ryan Hoover believes Live will help foster a different kind of conversation than on Reddit AMAs, given PH’s particular audience of creators.

ph live

At launch, the lineup includes Meerkat CEO Ben Rubin, Web personality Veronica Belmont and author Gary Vaynerchuk. Future, unscheduled chats tout a few celebrity names, such as Nas and Ashton Kutcher.

You can can sort through the schedule by date or category (tech, games, books), and subscribe to be reminded of an upcoming chat with your email address.

 Product Hunt Live [Medium]

  Behind the scenes: How TNW Index got featured on Product Hunt